Okay so, Heather picked this hike out before we even landed in Alaska. Yes, the choice was based on instagram images from other people, yes it was worth how hard it was, and yes it was the best part of Alaska for Heather and she’s very happy we got to do it. The drive out to this trail was really scenic, and when we arrived in the valley it seemed like it might rain on us. Most of the way through the valley we were flanked by a rushing stream, lush, dense green foliage and wildflowers. Once the trail crosses the valley, it goes into an immediate ascent up sharp cutbacks over the side of a ridge on the way to the Reed Lakes. At this point, our group split with Daniel / Jon heading up the cliff, Andrew and David heading back to the car and Heather thinking of meandering at the base to wait for Daniel and Jon to return. After a few minutes, Heather decided to follow D/J up the ascent. Once she neared the top, always out of reach of them (they had no idea she was close) Daniel almost ran smack into her running back down the trail. Surprise was quickly replaced with pride. This was by far the hardest ascent Heather had attempted (ever) and it’s still one of the proudest moments she holds on to from 2016.
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